Call for entries for the Aaltoja! festival is open

17.12.2024 | Next autumn, for the fifth time, Aalto! Light and Sound in Kotka festival is open for applications today. The open call for entries will be part of a rotating, annually changing selection of works at the heart of the event. The call is open to all light and sound artists. In total, around 10-15 light and sound works of different types and sizes will be on display. The call for works closes on 31 January.
In contrast to previous years, the venue has already been identified for the call for works. Next autumn, the Aaltoja! festival will focus on the Sapokka Water Park area. Artists can propose a work tailored to or designed for the area. You can also participate with a finished work, not a piece of art tied to a specific location. The final itinerary and venues for the event will always be designed on the basis of the final selection of works.
For more information on the call for entries, please visit the event website