Get around

Local buses

For timetables and information on local transport in the Kotka region, visit

You can always check timetable information in the Kotka Region Journey Planner at There, you can also see in real time where the bus is on its route.

Kotka Region Transport operates the local bus service in the Kotka-Hamina-Pyhtää area under the name Jonne & Minne.

Long distance buses


Our buses will take you comfortably anywhere in Finland. Purchase tickets and check the timetables quickly and easily from the online shop, Matkahuolto mobile app and Matkahuolto service outlets.

Buy tickets – Search for timetables is a door-to-door journey planning service provided by Traficom that combines different modes of transport and suggests different travel options. The service suggests a route from point A to point B (from street address to street address) at a given date and time. takes you to many places. Use the route search to find a suitable service.


Kotka railway station is located at Kotkantie 1.

The train terminus at Kotka Port station is located on Tornatorintie. Other stations in Kotka are Paimenportti, Kyminlinna, Kymi and Tavastila. Kyminlinna station is a short distance from stops for local buses from Karhula and Hamina, for example.





To Varissaari, M/S Klippan


Public Cruises




City bikes

The City of Kotka has had a summer city bike scheme since 2018, and the number of orange city bikes has increased year by year thanks to positive experiences. From summer 2022, there will be 120 bikes and the bike stations will be located in areas where there is the greatest demand and use for bikes.

The urban cycling season will last from at least the beginning of May to at least the end of October. For the 2023 season, the urban cycling season will start at the end of April.

City bikes will be available for hire at the Kauppatori, the bus stop in front of the railway station, the bus station, the Maritime Centre Vellamo , the Maretarium, the Xamk campus and Karhula Square, among others. Return is also possible to any Kotka city bike station. The station network will change slightly during the summer.

There is a charge for using the city bikes. You can buy a season card, a monthly membership or pay a one-off fee for a trip. Prices start at €1/15 min ride, with longer rides the hourly rate decreases and you can also rent a bike for several days. The Donkey Republic mobile app is required to rent a bike. For helmets, you must wear your own cycling helmet.

Quick guide to use:

1. Download the Donkey Republic app
2. Find and select a free bike (the app will guide you)
3. Complete the rental transaction (the app will guide you)
4. Enjoy your bike ride
5. Return the bike to any bike station with space (the app will guide you)

Detailed instructions and notes

City bikes are supplied and serviced by your local KaaKau Ltd, whose website contains, among other things, a price list and detailed instructions on how to use the city bikes and any malfunctions:

Please note this

  • The city bike season lasts from at least the beginning of May to at least the end of October
  • Some bike stations will be without information signs at the beginning of the urban cycling season. Up-to-date information on the location of the bike stations can always be found in the app and, with a slight delay, on the map on the KaaKau Kotka page
  • Even if there are no bikes at the station, you can return your bike if the station is only visible in the system
  • If you see an orange Donkey Rebublic bike in town but can’t rent it using the app, it’s probably rented by someone else and just locked
  • A city bike rented in Kotka must be returned to a bike station in Kotka (the app will show possible return points when the bike is selected) – for example, you cannot return a bike to a bike station in Hamina
  • From 2022 onwards, the city bike stations and their bikes will also appear in the Kotka Region Route Guide:

City bike system customer service: tel. 044 71 606 44 /KaaKau Oy (Mon–Sun 8–20), other feedback also

Kotka’s city bike system is part of the Donkey Republic city bike network, which operates across Europe. In Finland, you can also use the same app to ride bikes in places like Kouvola, Hamina, Lappeenranta, Imatra and Porvoo.

See also the Kotka cycling route map


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